Saturday, November 13, 2010

favorite jokes and games

Livy loves to dive behind my back or a piece of furniture and say, "Where'd Livy go?"  She wants me to ask the question myself.  Then she'll peek around at me and when I see her, I call out, "There you are!"  She laughs every time.

When Livy sees a sippy cup or a vase or anything filled with water, she likes to ask, "Brucey in there?"  (Brucey is our fish).  Then when we say "Nooo, He's not in there," Livy will ask sillier and sillier questions..."Daddy in there?"  "Mr. Potato head in there?"  "Ears in there?"  She's way into absurdities these days.  We keep answering, "Noooo!" in a playful way."  

Livy likes to pretend to make "hot tea" like Grandma.  The first time she made the joke was when I was changing her diaper.  She pulled one sock off, put it on her hand and said, "Makin' hot tea."  I thought it was pretty imaginative the way she used the sock as an oven mitt.  She continues to do this with her socks.  She will also say "Elmo song" and use the sock as a puppet.  

On the way to day care, Livy keeps herself busy on the lookout for pumpkins (I never would have noticed so many people still have pumpkins on their porches in November).  Every time she sees one in someone's yard or front step she yells, "Pumpkin right there!"  She even tries to count them.

Livy thinks our living room is called "the Livy room."  She'll say, "Come play Livy room."  From the looks of it these days, this definitely seems like an appropriate name for it.  


  1. She's so smart!!! She's not even 19 months!!! Amazing. Sounds like she is doing great at daycare too!

  2. I love that--the Livy room! She is a hot ticket! Sounds like daycare is going great too!
