Friday, November 5, 2010

18 months update!

Today we took Olivia for her 18 mos. check-up.

Here are her stats:
32.5 inches (75th percentile)
22.5 lbs. (25th percentile).

Olivia was the perfect little patient today.  Maybe it was daddy's calming influence.  She held still and relaxed on daddy the whole time Dr. Dana was examining her.  She was very friendly and curious about everything.  She seemed to want to show the doctor all the stuff she could do.  At one point, she took her socks off and started putting them back on herself, saying, "By yourself. point toes."  By the way, this morning she managed to put her pants on all by herself.  Also, lately she wants to pick out her own clothes.  Tonight I gave her two different fuzzy footed jammies to choose from.  She still eyed the rainbow striped pants in the drawer and said, "No. pick pants. stripes."  Luckily she is still pretty easy to redirect.

Anyway, Dr. Dana could see how many things Livy could do independently, and said she was very impressed.  She even joked that Livy didn't need to come back at age 2 because she doesn't need any more shots until age 4, and has achieved all of the 2 year-old milestones already.  The biggest shocker about the appointment was that Dr. Dana was convinced that we should start potty training Livy right away!???  She thought we should do it now before the "terrible twos" set in.  I have always heard that it is best to wait until later, and figured starting before age 2 would just take longer and make the whole process harder on me.  But since the Dr. was so adamant, I guess it wouldn't hurt to get her a potty and give her the option to sit on it once in a while, especially when she lets us know she has to go.  I'm not going to push her into anything though.  I have to admit, the idea of not having as many dirty diapers is appealing...I'm just not ready for all of these changes!

After the appt., we made a trip over to Target to get some stuff and we let Olivia pick out a little something for herself as a post-shots reward.  She picked out a shiny gold purse from the girls' accessories dept. We have a real Jersey girl in the making.  lol!!
She may be a big girl, but she can still fit into a little basket, even with a sippy cup and a bunch of animal friends...


  1. Wow! You do have an amazing little girl there! Great job parents!

  2. Great Job, Liv! Way to impress the doctor! And of course she is a Jersey girl, I'm sure she would love her toes painted and fake nails! Sorry she got a cold from daycare :( Love ya
