Sunday, May 22, 2011

Pee Pee!!! Woo hoo!!!

Today Olivia went pee pee in the potty three times!  I've been planning to wait until the end of school to really potty train her because life has been so hectic.  But, I figure it is still worth blogging that today was the day she started to get the hang of how to go in the potty!  The potty plays a little tune as soon as she goes, and she is very proud of herself when she hears it.  We also make a big deal of it and she gets a sticker.  We recently started using a sticker chart for reinforcing good behavior and it seems to be working well for her.  For example, in order to get one in the car, she has to willingly let us buckle her into the seat, and arrive at the location with her shoes on.  To get one at dinner, she has to not throw any food on the floor.  When she gets 10 stickers, she earns a prize from the secret stash!  It backfired when I tried to use the sticker chart to get Livy to stay in bed at night, though.  I told her if she stayed in her cribby she would get a sticker in the morning.  Well, she was up at 5:30 a.m. and came into our room saying, "I'm ready for my sticker now!"  She never gets up that early!

Here is some of what Livy's been up to lately:

Helping in the garden.

Playing with Calico Critters from Nanny and Bop
(and some of my original Sylvanians :)
Snuggling on a sick day
Sitting on the potty with some good books.

Giggling with Daddy

Feeling Daddy's Whiskers

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Many Thanks!

Livy had a great birthday and loved everything about it.  She was so excited to get packages in the mail just for her. This video shout-out goes to Ashley, Paul, Ender, Craig, Chrissy, Caleb and Lily for the special gifts that Livy adores!  Livy was so impressed when I told her Ashley made the kitty.