Nanny and Bop came to visit last weekend and we had lots of fun with them. We took a drive up to Lafayette, NJ for some of my favorite things...Dutch Onion soup from the Millside Cafe and cider donuts from Ideal Farms. It was a perfect, sunny fall day. Livy climbed around on some pumpkins, helped pick out mums (she wanted purple), and saw some goats and roosters (come to think of it, we seem to encounter various goats and/or roosters almost every weekend. lol.) It is fun to see Olivia developing such a love for all kinds of animals. She has a farm video that she watches every day a couple times of day. It is very cute, and it does keep her entertained for a good half hour, but if I hear the music from it anymore, I think I'm going to lose it! Olivia, on the other hand, never gets tired of it. But, going to a real farm beats the video any day.

Kyle also took Livy to Turtleback Zoo on Columbus day, while I had to go to work. When I got home, Livy told me all about the bisons, a wolf, some peacocks, and bears. I'm sorry I missed out, but I'm guessing another zoo trip is in our near future...
Olivia has been missing Nanny and Bop since they left. Tonight at dinner she was talking about eating a hamburger and french fries with Nanny. She's been saying "Stella, be quiet!" and giggling. She says, "Bop draw picture", "Bop ice cream". Tonight she said, "Nanny, Bop, Tennessee." "Come back."
Oh Sarah, you sure did write a tear jerker!("Nanny and Bop come back!" you're killing me here!)Olivia is so blessed with such a fun life! Miss you guys! Too bad when she hears I'm on the phone all I hear is "Close it" or "Bye bye Emmy" :)