Livy climbed and jumped out of her crib twice last weekend so we decided it was time to convert her crib into a toddler bed. She loves it and has slept well through the night for three nights even though she could get right down if she wanted to. I was nervous about how the first night would go, but the next morning she was just playing quietly in her room when I went in to get her. I think she was just excited the first day. But the next two mornings she was still snuggling in her bed when we went to get her. She still slept till about 8:30 this Saturday morning. So far so good!
Livy has a funny habit of talking and jibber jabbering with her eyes half-closed right before I put her to bed at night. Tonight as I was rocking her in my arms, she said something like, "When Livy get older Livy gonna have nuts. And almonds too! Daddy have almonds. Not for Olivia. Those are Livy's favorite ones when Livy gets older."
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