Monday, March 21, 2011

An Unhappy St. Patrick's day

This year was a St. Patrick's day that I will never forget...but not for good reasons.  I got in a car accident driving Livy home from daycare.  Actually, it was right as we were pulling out of the daycare.  I don't feel like writing about the details, as I've gone over it so many times in my head and to other people already.  But, the main thing is we all walked out of it okay.  Livy and I were fine and the other driver just had a hurt knee (her car was totaled and our Jeep was beat up on the front driver's side).  It could have been much worse than it was, and I am so thankful that everyone is okay.  It was just another reminder of how much of life is beyond our human ability to control it.  I came close to one of my worst fears, but God protected us.  And in a way, I feel stronger as a mother knowing that I was able to deal with this terrible situation.    


  1. Oh no! I didn't even know! I tried to call you last night, call me tonight if you get a chance. We won't talk about the accident, I'm just glad you are okay! Love you!

  2. I am so thankful that you are ok and I thank the Lord for His divine protection.

  3. Oh Sar, so sorrrrryyy. There was a time that you would have freaked out and gone to pieces, but we all grow up and learn to be big kids, especially when we get kids of our own! So glad you and livy are all right. love kris

  4. The good news is you are both ok! Take care!
