Saturday, February 26, 2011

Say What?!

Here's some stuff Livy said this week:

Livy was so into watching The Sound of Music with her cousins that when daddy came home from work, she hugged him quickly while glancing back at the movie.  She told him,  "I no wanna miss Maria."

"Your make-up is not working." She must have heard me say something like this before.  I'm sure she didn't mean anything by it.  But still, in that moment, I actually felt strangely comforted knowing (just in case my mom and sisters ever stop being brutally honest about how I look) I will have a daughter who will be looking out for me in the future.

"Mommy, you look pretty."  Needless to say, I love it when she tells me this out of the blue.  

When she got out of the bath and came downstairs in her pj's, she told daddy,  "Gorgeous!"

"I no like mommy.  go away."  Boo hoo.

"I had a baaad poopy." (she's been having some tummy issues since she's been sick).

Before putting Livy to bed, Kyle accidentally asked, "Okay, You ready to get in your crate now?"  Livy answered, Yea..aah...that's not a crate."

"I no wanna go home.  I wanna go to restaurant!"

She keeps saying, "What do you want?"  She doesn't care what we want...this is her prompt she's giving us to ask her what she wants. lol.  If we don't respond, she will answer herself.  "What do you want?  Ketchup!"

Livy's always asking questions like, "What's Livy got?"  She will especially ask this to draw attention when she's doing something she knows she's not supposed to do.  Again, this is very convenient if I happen to be in the other room.  I heard her say, "What's Livy doing?  Puttin' dog food in her mouth!?"


  1. Oh she is too funny! By the way, just because I gave you a makeover when you were here it wasn't because your makeup wasn't working! I just wanted you to make sure you weren't allergic or something if you wanted to try it! I think you look beautiful! I also love that Livy talks constantly about going to Grandma's house and about seeing Grandpa :)

  2. I can't wait to talk to her.

  3. Crate? Crib? Almost the same! But now she's in a bed!? Love the Sound of Music fan!
