For anyone who doesn't know this about Laura, when I was little most of the games we played had names that were made-up by Laura or maybe Mandy McGrail. Our detective agency was called "Mini Car, Large Car"; We played a chase game around the ping pong table called "Alligator and Tripper"; The town we made in the basement was called "Sharonsville". I already see Livy coming up with things like this and can only imagine the fun things she will think up as she gets older. When we met up with Laura, Henry, Louisa and Clara at the Please Touch Museum in Philly, Livy said, "Hey Henry and Louisa, lets be the red brick trio! We have to run and jump over to the red bricks!" Here is a picture of the Red Brick Trio:
Livy loves her cousins. She was so happy to see them!
I love that Livy's first writing samples have lots of letters that look like "O's" and lines and a couple backwards "a's" because she's practicing the letters in her name. With a little help, she is getting good at writing her name and some other words like "mom" and "dad" but she mostly practices writing "words" any way she wants and they come out like this:
I love that Livy is adventurous and knows how to have a good time!
We went to Cape May over the weekend of May 12-13 and Olivia had fun swimming in the cold, cold pool and also riding on Grandpa's new boat for the first time. Livy giggled the whole time and said, "I love the bumpy parts!" She fell asleep on the ride home on the boat.
I love that Livy is already a good big sister. She talks and sings to the baby and kisses my tummy. She
talks about all the things that she wants to do with and teach her sister how to do when she gets big enough. I know it will be a big adjustment for her when the baby actually comes, but so far so good...
I love the way Livy looks in the morning when she comes in my room all smiley. (And I like that she sleeps in until 9:00) Here Kyle brought us back bagels to eat in bed. In the back you can see we have our suitcase packed for the hospital and the cosleeper crib is put together. But in the meantime, I'm enjoying my morning snuggle and fun time with just my sweetheart, Livy.
I love that Livy is a great eater. She will try eating just about anything and has a wide variety of foods that she loves. I just asked her what her favorite foods are and she says, "shrimp, all kinds of soup, tuna fish, cherries and yogurt." The only food that comes to mind that she doesn't really care for is chick peas, which she will still try but says she doesn't like. Since my last trimester started, I've been craving avocados. Livy and I share an avocado with cherry tomatoes every day. In this picture, we walked to Heavenly Temptations to buy thank you gifts for Livy's teachers. We had a nice lunch date together with split pea soup and corn muffins :)
I love that now that Livy is three, she is brave and can be a good listener. She was a perfect patient at her first dentist appt. that I took her to earlier this week. She got a full teeth cleaning and fluoride treatment. The dentist said she was an angel.
Livy made sure to make herself really comfy in the chair. She asked the dentist if she could take her shoes off because her feet were hot :)
Livy, there are so many things I love about you. I'm sorry I haven't been good at keeping up with the blog. I've really been enjoying this special time I have with you before your sister is born. Her due date is a week away, and our days of it just being you and I (or you and I and Daddy) are coming to an end. But my hope is that I am giving you a friend for life and someone else who will look up to you and love the special things about you, just like I do with my sisters.